In January 2023 Caerphilly County Borough Council approved proposals for conversion of outbuildings next to Ruperra Castle into a residential community with no plans for Ruperra Castle, a building of huge historical importance and at risk.
We believe the proposals will impact irreparably on the setting of the scheduled monument and Grade 2* Listed Castle, and its Grade 2 Registered Garden and parkland, and damage, rather than enhance the precious biodiversity of the area. Country Life Magazine deemed this missed opportunity a national scandal in an article in February 2023. Athena, Cultural Crusader writes, “Over many decades, Cadw has consistently failed to give Ruperra the support it needs…The financial rewards from the redevelopment of the environs of Ruperra Castle have always been the key to the effective future management of the ruins. Where else is the money going to come from? Now, without any objection from Cadw, that key has been yielded up. Nor was the planning application called in by the minister responsible. Certainly Athena does not regard the future of the castle – in the words of the minister’s letter ‘as a matter not likely to cause substantial controversy beyond the immediate locality’. The abandonment of Ruperra Castle in return for vague promises ought to be a national scandal.” Read the full Country Life Magazine article online. Sign a petition to the Welsh Parliament asking for conservation management for scheduled monuments at risk, like Ruperra Castle.
August 2024